Click the Start button, then All Programs, then Accessories, then click on Command Prompt.There are three ways to get to a Command Prompt: For example, if you open the Command Prompt window and see the C:\> command prompt with a blinking cursor to the right of the right angle bracket character (>), the command you enter will be run on the entire C: drive of your computer. Other important information, such as the current working directory (or location) where the command will be run, can be included as part of the command prompt. When you're using Command Prompt, the term command prompt also refers to the right angle bracket (>, also known as the greater than character), indicating the command line interface can accept commands.

Command Prompt is typically only used by advanced users. The most important thing to know is that you can perform tasks on your computer without using the Windows graphical interface by typing commands.

Command Prompt is a feature of Windows that provides an entry point for typing MS-DOS ( Microsoft Disk Operating System) commands and other computer commands.